
Why You Should Join This Club

Our degree is worth what we put into it, what we choose to learn, what connections we strive to make. We can learn much in our classes and from our professors, but there are important things that do not get as much classroom time. For one, in class, most programming is done solo. But in a professional setting, we will always be working in a group.

It is to your advantage to build skills that will help you to land a great job and thrive in the professional world. Foremost among those skills are teamwork, organization, and programming with others. Our degree curriculum are limited in how much time they devote to these important areas. This club will fill those gaps and level up those skills as we collaborate on cool projects. It will help us connect with each other and others in the field. It will expose us to new strategies for approaching software development. It will inform us about events, like hackathons, where we can network with professionals in the field. It will expose us to resources and technologies we can add to our arsenal, and provide us experience in the actual languages and libraries employers are looking for their candidates to be proficient in.

It will provide the opportunity to learn invaluable, employment-ready skills not easily acquired by simply attending classes.

But I’m new to programming!

You don’t have to be an expert programmer to join this club. We are all learners. If you have a genuine interest in programming, this is the right place for you. You will benefit from conversing with others who are further along the path, and they will benefit by explaining their approaches.

Even in contributing to group projects, there will be plenty of ways to help that don’t involve mastering algorithms.

What are the membership requirements?

Members must join the GitHub team and create 1 pull request on Github per semester. It does not have to be code - contributing a single word of content is a valid contribution as well. The purpose of this requirement is to ensure everyone is able to use Git; whether you want to contribute more is up to you.

Pull requests are hard to figure out! Talk to us in the Discord so we can walk you through the process. A written guide with screenshots is also available here. There are other guides online too!

You must also be a student at UNH. Officers must attend UNH Manchester but membership is open to both campuses. Members can retain membership (but not officer roles) for up to 2 years after graduating or transferring.

Members must follow our conduct rules on all club platforms:

  • No harassment, No sexualized speech
  • No discrimination
  • No politics
  • No bullying and mockery

What are the membership privileges?

Any member may create any project that does not violate our conduct requirements and does not do anything illegal. That member will be vested with leadership of that project. They have the right to recruit collaborators on the Discord and all other club platforms.

Any member may join an existing project. The project leader should include them in team discussions and strive to find ways they can contribute appropriate to their skill level.

How do I get in touch?

Email Karl Miller: klmiller1@wildcats.unh.edu for a zoom link and Discord invitation.