Meeting 0008 Results
UNHM Programming Club
- Karl Miller, President
- Bryan Robbins, Discord Administrator
- Kaitlin McManus, Secretary
- Anthony Clark, Quartermaster
- Derek Santiago, Treasurer
- Derek Santiago shall be the first treasurer of the Programming Club (5-0)
- Future meetings shall be held at 3:00 PM on Saturday (5-0)
- The following topics regarding membership in the consitution:
- To become a member, prospective members will contact a club officer. Contact information can be found at .
- No prior Programming experience is required.
- All members will create a Github account and join the club organization, which is named in the Club Accounts Procedures.
- Members are highly encouraged to join the Discord. (4-0)
- Members shall make 1 contribution via git/github to a group project by making a pull request, at least once per semester. It is recommended that members request help on the help channel of the Discord because it is tricky doing a first pull request. These contributions do not have to be code; they can be simple content as well. The purpose is to ensure everyone understands how to use GitHub to contribute to a shared repository. (5-0)
- Members will cast a vote in the yearly officer elections. They may vote to ‘abstain’ or vote ‘no confidence’ (5-0)
- Members may propose a resolution at any club meeting, in a manner appropriate to the meeting’s rules of order. (5-0)
- The following topics regarding memebership in the constitution:
- If a member does not meet individual member requirements by the end of the semester, they will be automatically removed from the list of members. They are permitted to re-join and try again.
- If a member violates a section of the conduct requirements that involves targeting another individual member, such as sexual harassment, political harassment, or bullying, they may be unilaterally removed by agreement of the club president and vice president, but those officers must validate the circumstances first.
- If a member is believed to have violated another section of the conduct requirements, the board will consider the evidence and vote by majority whether to remove them. The evidence must show that the member violated a conduct requirement. (5-0)
Roles of the following officers: The President will preside over meetings, ensure the club is in conformity with UNHM requirements, and safeguard club accounts. The president will make the agenda and send out an invite to club members before the club meets.
The Vice President will perform the responsibilities of the president when the president is unable to do so, and also safeguard club accounts. The Vice President will be first in line to take on duties of officer roles that are not yet filled.
The Secretary will keep a record of meetings and member contact info, and will create a summary of the meeting and upload that summary to Github after the meeting is concluded.
The Discord Admins will organize and create rules for the Discord, approve changes to the Discord bot, and be vested with the power to kick individuals from the discord for legitimate reasons, such as breaking defined Discord rules. (5-0)
- Regarding quorum:
- The quorum for a board is 50% of board members in attendance and the quorum for the club is 50% of club members in attendance. Quorum must be met for a vote on a resolution to be valid.
- Quorum is not required for yearly elections, because non-voting members are removed from the rolls. (5-0)
- Motion to post the constitution draft on the website and create a vote on the Discord between now and next meeting whether Discord members ratify the constitution (5-0)
- Karl Miller will fill out the student recognition form in a manner he sees fit (4-0)
Other Discussions
- Dicussed status of current projects
- Discord
- Chkpi
- Vignere Cipher
- Physics Sim
- Website
- Conway’s
- Discussed possible new projects
- The consitution thus far:
Agenda Meeting 0009
Intros if new attendees
Discuss being recognized and pat ourselves on the back
School Event
- Requirement for student orgs is 1 event per year as well as attending club fair
- Discuss ideas for what we can do for event
- Blog writing
- help students launch a personal blog in this (Github pages) format
- Public brainstorm sessions
- students can present app / program ideas and we can brainstorm with them how it might be built, and consider undertaking it
- Tech support
Discuss budget
- Probably will be $250 / semester
- Other fundraising ideas
Discuss server idea
- Using old school equipment and some budget to get a server and some hosting, possibly locate it on campus
Discuss membership engagement
- Getting more individuals to do pull requests
Discuss logo/branding
- Better logo than the computer screen?
- favicon for website & embed images?
- Wildcat with computer matrix style colors?
- Something else?
Meet with Prof. Shallow about web project
- (Pending confirmation from professor)
- Agenda order for this item may change
- Discuss the faculty-led project he’s proposed, ask questions regarding it
Status of Projects
- Discord 🤖
- chkpy 🔍
- vignere-cipher 💿
- Conway’s-Game-Of-Life 🦠
- physics-simulator 🎱